Summer has arrived. Oh, I know that technically it's still a couple of days away, but it gets to us sooner than it gets to you, and it's here. You know it's hot when you're timing the minutes it takes you to get home from the grocery store with ice cream. And when you're rearranging the contents of the bags so the frozen stuff is all by the milk. But you know, it's still so beautiful here from all the rain we've had that the heat is a little easier to bear!
I've moved our vacation ticker to the top of the page...countdown has begun in earnest and we're all in the planning mode. Since this will be a pretty "active" vacation, with lots of things I won't be participating in, I have to devise some things to keep me busy on the days when everyone else is hiking, horseback riding, etc. I'm choosing a few books I've been dying to read, making sure I've got a couple of audio books loaded on my iPod, and thinking about a knitting project to take along. What I won't be doing is blogging, at least not live-blogging, because we'll be away from internet access. If perchance I'm wrong and Red River has moved into the 21st century (which I'm not altogether sure would be a good thing), I'll do some online Christmas shopping. For me, though, the real vacation will be the cool mountain air...
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