School District Tells Homeschooler She’s Learning Too Fast
The Gilbert (name changed to protect privacy) family’s daughter, due to extenuating circumstances, was behind one grade in school. The following year, to correct this, the daughter worked doubly hard and completed two grades in one year!
At the end of the year, Mrs. Gilbert submitted two assessments so that her daughter could advance to the correct grade and be back on track with her peers. The evaluation was exactly as it should be, and the family was encouraged by their daughter’s determination to make up for lost time.
Unfortunately, the Gilberts were distressed when they received a response from the Escambia County School District to the evaluations sent. The letter stated that the district was unable to accept two year-end evaluations for a homeschool student in one year, and that they would not promote the student to the 10th grade, regardless of the fact that the 10th grade evaluation was already submitted.
The letter included their school “policy” to show that two evaluations could not be accepted in one year for the same student as per the Escambia County Pupil Progression Plan.
Some things just don't need comment. Sheesh.
You can read the rest here.
Labels: Education, Homeschooling, Theater of the Absurd
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