I am not one to begrudge the incoming president a great, even expensive, celebration. But if we're going to preach ecological disaster and communal sacrifice out of one side of our collective mouth, shouldn't we be consistent out the other side?
The carbon footprint of Barack Obama's inauguration could exceed 575 million pounds of CO2. According to the Institute for Liberty, it would take the average U.S. household nearly 60,000 years of naughty ecological behavior to produce a carbon footprint equal to the largest self-congratulatory event in the history of humankind.
The same congressfolk who are now handing out thousands of tickets to this ecological disaster only last year mandated the phased elimination of the incandescent light bulb — a mere carbon tiptoe, if you will. The whole thing seems a bit unfair.
[Emphasis mine]
And on a side note from the lower environs of the thermometer:
I've been informed, quite forcefully, that "climate change" can induce weather to warm, make it colder and, miraculously, produce whatever climate condition we happen to be experiencing at that very moment. So I wholeheartedly concur with my environmentalist friends: Climate does indeed make weather fluctuate.
LOL. Read David Harsanyi's whole column here.
hat tip: The Papa
Labels: Political Observation, Science, Social Observation
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