In the past 48 hours I've been left in a puddle of my own tears a dozen times as I've watched FOX News' amazing coverage of the life and death of Tony Snow. I think I love him more than ever after seeing the concentrated attention to this most rare and remarkable man. And I think the highest compliment I can pay him is to say that he bears quite a resemblance to my husband and the father of my children...
And speaking of The Papa...he has told me to be ready to vacate the premises after church next Sunday morning and be away for two nights. I don't know where...don't know what we'll be doing {vbg} but I do know that it will be in joyous celebration of the event you'll see in the righthand sidebar calendar. News next week. Or not :-)
My girls' oatmeal raisin cookies make one of the world's best breakfasts. Okay, it's a recipe I've been making all my life, but they've been making them so long now that I think of them as theirs. And eating them is better than baking them anyway.
On the subject of food...we had a delightful family over for lunch today, and two of the girls write a lovely food blog. Go check it out and get it on your bloglines, and do leave them a comment to let them know you were there! Del Sisters Kitchen
We're in that oppressive part of the year where the 7-day forecast looks like this:
With nary a drop of rain in sight. And in this part of the country where it's still in the mid-90's at 8:30 in the evening, it really wears me down.
My crazy kids have bought tickets for the 12:01 a.m. showing of "The Dark Knight" (rated PG-13 for "intense sequences of violence and some menace" LOL) so they can be some of the very first to see it. Who'da thunk that my children and grandchildren would be so crazy about a character I watched as a child? Same Bat-channel; whole different Bat-time...
Our big family vacation is now less than a month away...time to be getting all the details in place. 27 of us in one big house for a week requires a course in logistics!
From this morning's service, words that remind me Whose I am...
Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to Thee.
(from "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing," lyrics by Robert Robinson, 1735-1790)
Have a lovely week!
Labels: Food, Kids, Music, Sundays, The Papa, Vacations, Weather
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